Test data containing results for national votes from the canton of Zurich for all Sundays from 2017-03-01 to 2020-09-27.
Test data containing results for national votes from the canton of Zurich for all Sundays from 2017-03-01 to 2020-09-27.
A dataframe with 3864 rows and 16 columns.
- name
Name of the referendum.
- id
ID of the referendum.
- canton_id
ID of the canton.
- canton_name
Name of the canton.
- mun_name
Name of the municipality.
- geoLevelParentnummer
Geo level number of the parent geo unit, in the case of municipalities that means district number.
- gebietAusgezaehlt
Indicator for finalised counting status.
- jaStimmenInProzent
Percentage of yes-votes.
- jaStimmenAbsolut
Absolut number of yes-votes.
- neinStimmenAbsolut
Absolut number of no-votes.
- stimmbeteiligungInProzent
- eingelegteStimmzettel
Total number of submitted ballots.
- anzahlStimmberechtigte
Number of elligable voters.
- gueltigeStimmen
Total number of valid yes- and no-votes.
- votedate
Date of the vote.